mobile app

Mobile & Tablet Apps

Don’t worry, be appy… Sorry, it was hard to resist. But the simple fact is that smartphone ownership is growing by 85% year on year. It’s getting hard to find a consumer without an iphone, android, tablet or blackberry and as a result, apps are undeniably becoming one of brands’ most common real time interfaces with the consumer. Whatever they need, the consumer wants to hear you say ‘We’ve got an app for that’. If you don’t, you’re nowhere.

Our development team and partner network produce mobile applications for all devices. Whether for business or as part of a marketing campaign, we marry sound UX and design with robust development practices.

Great mobile and tablet apps start with good planning. Through consultative engagement we produce a user experience prototype backed-up UML to describe the schema. This is then tested and adjusted to suit user needs, making sure that the interface is optimized for the best performance. Technologically agnostic, our mobile development rests on the most appropriate environment to suit platform and budget. Mobile technology is putting the brand at the heart of consumers’ daily lives. We have the know-how to get you there.
